well, as many of you know, i was very set on my plan of returning home then finishing my next and last semester in Murrieta. That is until Jordan (the director at CCBC Seattle) informed me of his mother Cathy's intention of making me her intern next semester. The second i heard the offer i knew God was up to something. it was right before Crew (which is the Sunday night service for College age kids) and i prayed right through the service and into the night. i knew God was telling me to stay but i am a stubborn one. i knew i had to be obedient to Him no matter how much i desired to be closer to home. Cathy and i chatted about her ideas for next semester and not only am i interning but she wanted to help train me in the ministry the Lord has called me to; being a vessel, lead by Him, to restore women's hearts who have been mistreated or have lived a horrid life, mainly in the sex trafficking and slavery, or just anyone i come in contact with. Cathy is going to teach me all she knows about restoring broken hearts to the Lord. how incredible is this?! Last semester as i prayed for guidance the Lord spoke very clearly saying "you could choose to attend Murrieta or Seattle, each school you will learn much and be blessed, however, in Seattle i will open a door up to you that will help you to further the ministry in which i have called you into." How could coming back up here not be from the Lord? I am astonished at His works! I made a little Rory Gilmore pro and con list and Seattle won by a long shot. In Seattle i will be taught life long lessons by the amazing pastor's wife, it will be better for me financially, all the classes i need to graduate are being offered to me, and good friends are also staying so i look forward to building stronger friendships. Calvary Fellowship has welcomed me like a family and i am so grateful for it. i miss mine terribly and look forward to seeing them for the next month until i come back up here.
God has truly been so good to me! Even in the midst of my car problems. My tire went completely flat while i was at my M1 in the Library last night. a man came in and asked everyone who the owner of the maroon Mazda outside was; because he had a little portable air tank with him and could help. he plugged it into my cig lighter and i foolishly didn't turn the car on fully so when i went to start my car later my old and worn out battery was completely dead. So i left it there and today my friend Joey put my spare on for me (my tire was already flat again!) and i went to get a set of new tires and a new battery. My parents have helped me beyond measure and i am astonished at their goodness and compassion. they are the most self-less people i know. and now my car is running better than it ever has all because of my new battery. i would not have know this to be the main source to my problems had my tire not flattened. i am truly thankful this all took place a week before i am to drive home, now i can go the long distance in peace. also my incredible teacher, Scott Vincent, is checking my brakes and fluids tomorrow to make sure i am 100 percent prepared. "All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!" How true this song is! i know the rest of my fiances will be taken care of as well.. for i am in the Lord's hands and He has not let me down yet.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Lord has been opening my eyes to many, many great things, I am learning so much through Him! Seattle has been treating me very well. I absolutely love my roomates, we all get along so well its incredible! I need to remember to take pictures of the townhouse.
Anyways, my twenty-second birthday was on Saturday, it was such a good day! I got to sleep in, read New Moon (yeah whatever I got sucked into it), it rained :) my friends came over and we watched movies then my roomates threw me a party! It was all in all amazing! Here are some pictures:

Yeah it was rad!
Here is a picture of me and my roomates:

From left to right: Kristyn (our dorm mom), Amanda, Chelsea, Jennifer, Ashley, me :)
Everyday the Lord is showing me how He really truly wants me here and I keep getting more and more excited for what He has instore for me!
Anyways, my twenty-second birthday was on Saturday, it was such a good day! I got to sleep in, read New Moon (yeah whatever I got sucked into it), it rained :) my friends came over and we watched movies then my roomates threw me a party! It was all in all amazing! Here are some pictures:

Yeah it was rad!
Here is a picture of me and my roomates:

From left to right: Kristyn (our dorm mom), Amanda, Chelsea, Jennifer, Ashley, me :)
Everyday the Lord is showing me how He really truly wants me here and I keep getting more and more excited for what He has instore for me!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Weddings and Babies
I went to my friend Travis and Olivia Hartley's wedding yesterday with my best friend Angelina, her husband Dave and their two little girls; Claira (15 months) and Leah (2 1/2 weeks). so i was pretty much in heaven the whole time. i realized yesterday that i really do want to get married and have babies. they are too precious and even though you have to do the whole birthing things i hear its worth it - so bring on the pain!
Here are a couple pictures from yesterday [the 2 first ones are taken on my phone so quality is not too good]
Me and Little Leah

Lindsay Stone and I

She was so fun to hold!

Claira, me and Lindsay
Here are a couple pictures from yesterday [the 2 first ones are taken on my phone so quality is not too good]
Me and Little Leah

Lindsay Stone and I

She was so fun to hold!

Claira, me and Lindsay

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Frankie Manning

The biggest contributor to Lindy Hop died at age 94 yesterday, a month before his 95th birthday. i am so sad i never got to dance with him, there was always work or something i had to do when he was in town. so depressing. i am so glad he was born, otherwise my most favorite hobby would truly not exist.
Friday, April 24, 2009
My heart calls for it everyday, how can i not go back? i know the Lord has called me to "finish what i start" aka Bible School... but then afterwards how do i go about moving back to Amsterdam? im already getting excited about it and email people about it. i just don't want to have to write people asking them to sponser me; if the Lord places it on their heart then they can give but i want to work for it all. how do i do that though? especially when it comes to visas. i just really need to not worry about it and free fall into the Lord's will; letting Him guide me and provide. haha its so hard though! i am so excited to see what God does in my life, i can wait to travel again!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Brother of Mine
He is so talented and anointed! i am in complete utter awe of how much God has blessed him. He sang two incredible songs on Easter at our church service. the first one was in old hymn that he sang by himself, which gave me chills, and the second was with the band and he hit these amazing notes that he has not been given the chance [until now] to sing in front of anyone.. it literally brought tears to my eyes, let the world know that Michael Best has an anointing upon his life and through the Lord he will create incredible music that will reach thousands of hearts. i am so proud of him!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Woodward West
My friend Linnea told me about this camp called Woodward West that she's been working at for years and said that they needed a housing director for the Summer. I wasn't so sure about it but after I prayed about it, and found out that the dates worked perfectly for school, and the money was good, and I just felt a peace about it I decided to try it out. Now here I am at Spring Camp and it's so amazing! its in Tehachapi and its beautiful here! i was basically testing the waters this week but by the first day i knew i wanted to do it all summer. the people are amazing and chill... all skaters or riders or whatever so pretty much the cutest kids with long hair, skinny jeans and vans.. love it. i wanna put them in my pocket. and i love being slightly in charge.. people come to me with challenges or questions and i fix them or find a solution.. I'm busy and i get a walkie talkie :) i feel so important. but i really do love responsibility so its really a rad job.
i have also been praying about going to the Seattle campus next semester... it would be a little cheaper, a change in scenery, and more chill. i really feel the Lord is calling me to fellowship. with Him and others, its harder to do that with the busy atmosphere in Murrieta. i love it but it will be nice for a change. I'm like 99.9% sure the Lord wants me there... and the school starts like 5 days after Murrieta so i would have more time to go home repack and stuff and drive up and I'd get to stop by San Fran and see Lindsay LaBonte.. i miss her.
lots of great things happening.. the Lord is so good to me.
i have also been praying about going to the Seattle campus next semester... it would be a little cheaper, a change in scenery, and more chill. i really feel the Lord is calling me to fellowship. with Him and others, its harder to do that with the busy atmosphere in Murrieta. i love it but it will be nice for a change. I'm like 99.9% sure the Lord wants me there... and the school starts like 5 days after Murrieta so i would have more time to go home repack and stuff and drive up and I'd get to stop by San Fran and see Lindsay LaBonte.. i miss her.
lots of great things happening.. the Lord is so good to me.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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