Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm finally in Amsterdam

I had a safe easy flight (much different from 4 years ago when i first traveled to Amsterdam) and i made my connecting flight by mins.. much prayer was over me i'm sure. My room is about 3/4th moved into and in the process of being made "homey." i got in at 8am amsterdam time 11pm San Diego time so i took a few hour nap and then hit the sack at 8pm and woke up at 5:15am, not bad. I'm sure it will take a few days to get used to life but i'm already feeling better than last time i first arrived here.

People on the base are amazing, there are still a few staff members here from when i was here which was nice having a reunion with them. Now that I'm thinking about it I don't think I've seen one American (on my actual base)yet. Thats why i love it here, its so mulicultrual yet the common language is English so i get by, but i am craving to learn more here; especially Dutch.

I find it so incredible that for the last 5 years i've wanted to help girls in trafficking and for the last 4 i've had my heart set on Amsterdam, now here i am. God is so soverign and faithful and good to me! In a couple weeks i'll be starting a 6 week seminar called "Shine" put on by The Lighthouse that will focus on a better understanding of sexual injustice going on in the world we live in. I'm looking forward to drinking in all this knowledge. This is what God has called me to do and I'm ready to dive in.

Oh yes and Brooke gets here in a few days! It will be so nice to have a homey face to look at :)

Things to pray for:
-Sensitivity to the Culture
-A clear and sound mind
-Covering over spiritual warfare
-An increased hunger for Jesus and that it will not fade

info on what ywam amsterdam and The Lighthouse Ministry

and my address if you wanna write letters or anything:
Katy Randall Room 349
Youth With A Mission Amsterdam
Kadijksplein 18
1018 AC Amsterdam
The Netherlands


  1. so excited for you. trafficking is something that is constantly on my heart, looking forward to awesome stories and updates.

  2. aw thank you for reading love :) who knows maybe one day you'll be able to come out here or simply do something with it in the states!
