Friday, September 7, 2012

Red Lights Keep on Burning

Why is it the moment I feel inspired to write I have to work in 12 mins? Let's try using these fingers for some fast typing. Tonight I went out with Not For Sale on our weekly "Soup selling" They have a business here that makes homemade, healthy, organic soups and sells to the ladies behind the windows. This has been a great way to continue building relationships with the girls. Because I live in the center of the Red Light District, I get so used to seeing such unnatural things. It starts to become normal. Like for instance, my colleague and I were talking to a girl in the windows. She had just gotten back from vacation and we were chatting about that. She put her usual order in for soup and behind us a man boldly approaches (it's amazing how in this place its not just tolerated but honored for men to buy sex publicly, even their friends support and cheer them on gladly) and asks how much for her service. She jokes around a little but then says "no seriously, its 50€" he says "Alright" throws down his cigarette and moves to step into her room. It was so casual. Just like he had asked her how much a haircut would be or something. I realized how used to that kind of talk I was, I mean I hear it everyday. But tonight it's like my eyes remembered how unnormal this sort of transaction is. Just because you witness it over and over doesn't make it right or civil. I travel home for a month next week and I think it's coming at a perfect time. My roommate/colleague went home to Norway a couple weeks ago. She said it was so interesting driving in a beautiful place where sin and tolerance isn't plastered in every window or in every alley. I know I will be yearning to come back here but truth be told, I am ready for a break.

So my fingers didn't type fast enough, now I am finishing this post the next day. Last night I also walked by a girl's window who i have really good contact with. We will call her Deborah. She and I went for coffee weeks ago and was eager to hear the gospel. We have tried to meet up since but she kept canceling (which is normal) but tonight she was eager to talk and opened up as to why she has been canceling and I was just reminded how amazing and kind she is. She wasn't canceling for her sake, no, she was canceling for mine because she had been going through some heavy things and felt like she "wouldn't be good company." I almost started to cry, i reached out to take her hand and told her how she would NEVER have to worry about that. That I would always love to visit with her no matter how she feels or what she is going through. I also reminded her how much God loves her, and how, contrary to popular belief God's presence is with her, even in the windows. He does not flee from evil, evil flees from Him. It's those moments of being able to love on a girl here who doesn't get much proper love and more often pushes true love away makes living here in this wretched city so worth it.

Another awesome thing that happened on Wednesday, we were bringing coffee and tea to the ladies and one of the girls was sitting down in her room with the curtain closed (most of the windows are connected so you walk into one and see the other) her foot had a horrible cramp and she couldn't stand. My spanish speaking colleague asked if we could pray for her. In the middle of praying she started to almost laugh, when we finished she said the pain was completely gone. The Lord loves these ladies so much, and we just want to help them see that.


  1. Katy,
    Thank you for the update! It's amazing what you're doing in Amsterdam for these women. Do you ever ask them how they became a girl in the window? Do they have normal lives outside of their work or do they commit most of their time to this?


    1. Every story is different Arabella, some see an old colleague come back from Western Europe with all nice things and expensive hair and clothes and are attracted to that "glamorous" life. Then once they make the decision to sell themselves they already feel "defiled" so why not just continue, sometimes it really is good money. and how many friends do you have that hate their jobs yet stay because its good money? Or, what is a more popular case, they are trafficked from their homes in Eastern Europe to Western Europe. One technic is called 'loverboys" these are different from pimps because they are actually the girl's "boyfriend." They will find a girl from a smaller village that doesn't have many friends and is very vulnerable and looking for love. Then they take advantage of their vulnerability. They will start dating them, or maybe send some friends to attack her while walking home from school and then he jumps in and "saves" her causing her to gain a lot of trust with him. then after 6 months to a year he romantically asks her to move away with him. her whole life is him, and because she has nothing going for her back home she accepts, then comes the getting her to work in the window, he could use manipulation and she becomes so brainwashed that if he asks her to work in the windows she will, he will usually ease her into them by having her sleep with his friend or two to cancel a debt then it builds on that. or he hooks her to drugs, or he forces her to work and physically abuses her, and saying that if she tries to leave or get help he will kill her family or traffick her sisters. Its an extremely complicated topic that takes a lot of prayer, wisdom, and discernment.

      And some of them have "normal" lives outside the windows but a lot don't. The secular tours here say if the woman just separates herself physically from the spiritual or emotional then she will have no problem working in the windows. Obviously, by doing that every single day or client you become detached from yourself, resulting in multiple personality disorder. and that usually keeps the girls disconnected from the real world thus causing it to be nearly impossible to have a normal life outside of work.

  2. wow, what a crazy reality. I can't imagine. I pray God continues to do such wonderful things! (ps. enjoy California for me!)

    1. thank you Jannelle :) and i will so enjoy CA! <3

  3. This brought me to tears! You are His hands & feet! It's so amazing to read what God is doing through you. You are a light in the darkness...bringing the love of God to these precious girls. Coolest thing ever :)
