There is so much I want to say all the time but finding the time to blog is so hard these days! This Shine seminar is the best thing that has happened to me. It's so incredible looking back on the last few years of my life and seeing how it all pointed to the work I’m doing now (and I know what is happening now is pointing and preparing me for the work God has for me in the future).
Week 1 of the seminar we talked about Prophetic Justice, the speaker had an amazing gift of prophesy and spoke some amazing things to me... (She knew nothing about me)
-She said that this vision the Lord has given me (to see women be transformed in the red light district (really all over the world but for me starting here in Amsterdam) is truly from Him and that He will provide the funds and the people to see this through.
-I need to continue speaking about this vision and telling others about it, for people WANT to hear and be involved.
-I have a gift of leadership - yes I am a woman and I am called to be a leader.
-It feels like I have burned my bridges to get here leaving my life back home but I have in fact come here to soar as a bird in freedom.
-God calls me an "explosion" but in a good way, not a destructive way.
-I will be used as an initiator in an apostolic ministry
-Now I must pray, pray, pray!!
The next day she sought me out after she was finished speaking and said she had a few more things she wanted to say/reiterate...
-I have an apostolic teaching gift and will be used to lead/train in an apostolic mobilization in regards to justice.
-I will speak out to multitudes, speaking in many places such as Bible Colleges and Universities (speaking on what exactly I’m not too sure, I’m obviously thinking something with justice)
-I will not reside in Amsterdam forever but come back to the states and go out from there (which the Lord had already told me)
-My Scriptural/Biblical background will be my basis
-I must keep speaking out on these things for people will listen (this has motivated me the most, when I feel like I am doing nothing or just feel like quitting I think back to this and remind myself that God WANTS to use me and will infact use me to make a difference if I am willing.)
-I will write books (something I’ve dreamed of doing since a child)
Some things I left out and some things I wrote not really wanting to share on here but feeling like I must. I'm not sure what to think about some of these words spoken but I can say this; everything she said to me I have had on my heart in some way, shape or form and never really spoke to most people about. It was so much confirmation. Because I mean when you have personal, intimate time with Jesus and He speaks some deep, huge thing to you, you don't really go out and say it to everyone. I held onto them seeing what would happen and when she said some of these things I just leaped inside. My life is not my own and I have fully given it to God to do as He pleases and I do believe, since I am willing, He will use me in mighty ways. It is all through HIM and nothing I can do by my own strength.
Prayer Requests
-The teeth on the upper left hand of my mouth have been extremely affected by the cold, I've always had problems with them but the last few weeks the pain has been unbearable.
-That I would not lose this passion for justice and sharing God's grace with all.